The medicinal properties and benefits of Aloe Vera

For more than 6000 years, aloe vera has been used to treat and relieve various physiological disorders. Today, thanks to clinical studies, it has been proven that this plant is very effective against certain dermal diseases or against various gastrointestinal disorders. But the medicinal properties of aloe vera are not limited to these and its benefits are numerous. Nevertheless, some precautions are necessary to make the most of it.

The medicinal properties of aloe vera

Since ancient times, the aloe vera plant has been used to treat various diseases. This is not surprising given its many medicinal properties. When used internally, this plant has hypoglycaemic effects, i.e. it lowers blood sugar levels. It also has a cholesterol-lowering effect, which makes it particularly effective against diabetes. In addition, aloe vera treats and relieves gastrointestinal disorders (flatulence, constipation...), slows down cell aging, relieves chronic fatigue, periodontitis or even candidiasis. For external use, aloe helps to relieve skin conditions such as burns, eczema or itching. It would also have analgesic effects. Apart from all this, always in external use, be aware that aloe vera has many benefits on the hair. It reduces hair loss by tightening the pores of the hair roots. Aloe vera is available in gel, juice and capsules. It should be noted that there are many brands that offer products derived from this plant and Forever living is one of them. For your safety, only choose brands with a good reputation in the field.

The composition of aloe vera

The effectiveness of aloe vera against many diseases comes from the particularity of its composition, even if like the cactus, this plant is composed of more than 99% water. The secret of this miracle medicine lies in the remaining 1%. It contains a mixture of more than 150 elements, including 12 vitamins (A, B2, B12, C...) as well as many trace elements and minerals (sodium, calcium, iron, iron, zinc, germanium, copper, phosphorus...). We must not forget the 20 amino acids, 7 of which are among the most essential for the human body, the various sugars (monosaccharides and polysaccharides), enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, carboxypeptidase, lipase, cellulase...), anthraquinones, fatty acids, hormones (auxins, gibberellins), lignin, salicylic acid, tannins, proteins, magnesium lactate, mucilage (they are one of the most effective natural substances and most used in weight loss treatments). In short, aloe vera is a very rich plant like spirulina, maca or chlorella.

Does aloe vera have any side effects?

From the outset, it is important to note that aloe vera is a safe plant. This does not mean that it has no side effects. As with any other drug, misuse or overdose can lead to relatively serious adverse reactions. Side effects occur especially when the use of an aloe product is too much. This applies even to good products such as aloe vera Forever. To name just one problem, if too much aloe vera latex is consumed, it can increase the risk of colorectal cancer or advanced kidney disease. But let us be reassured, cases of intoxication are very rare. Nevertheless, for your safety, follow the instructions on your aloe product carefully: contraindications, dosage, dosage... In addition, if you experience any adverse reactions, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Rapid intervention is the most effective way to treat drug intoxication.
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