Beauty tips

Slimming programs: advice and practical information

Nowadays, it is considered that to have the perfect shape, you must be thin. Whether through magazines or television, this ideology is constantly being promoted. This reason has led to the emergence of many programs focused on slimming. Are they…

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How to protect your afro hair from the cold?

When you enter winter, your hair becomes drier, weaker and breaks easily. Finding solutions to this situation is becoming imperative. As much as you change your dress code in cold weather, so much you will have to change your habits…

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Why wear contact lenses?

To correct vision problems, the appearance of lenses has become an excellent alternative to wearing glasses. They offer significant advantages for its users. But many people are still reluctant to wear this device. Right or wrong? Are lenses a perfect…

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Why use a sulphate-free shampoo?

A fast-growing trend, sulphate-free shampoo, like organic hygiene products, is increasingly in demand. Moreover, you will find them in pharmacies, prepharmacies and specialized sites. Thus, switching to sulphate-free shampoo is no longer a major expense. In addition, it is important…

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